Tournament Checklist for All Sports
1. Approximately 1 month before the tournament (this is a minimum), the host school should check the directory and contact all of the schools that have registered for the specified tournament. The host school needs to finalize who will be attending the tournament.
2. A draft draw needs to be set up. For seeding, refer to the previous years results of the different levels. (ex. if you are doing a Sr. tournament, look at the previous years Sr. and Jr. results) THE PREVIOUS YEARS RESULTS CAN BE FOUND ON THE WEBSITE UNDER HISTORY.
3. Tournament information needs to be written out. Tournament information should include:
info about uniforms, info about accommodations for travelling teams, info about awards, info about any game modifications due to time or facilities and a request for a copy of their BCSS eligibility form.
Also, remind team coaches to check online for maps, phone/fax numbers, previous winners and info about withdrawals and petitions.
4. The draft draw and tournament information should be faxed to all participating teams at least TWO WEEKS before the tournament.
5. The draw should be finalized ONE WEEK before the tournament. All teams that withdraw in the 20 school days prior to this tournament will forfeit their registration fee and the host school will be able to use it to cover tournament costs. The withdrawing team will also be charged a $250 penalty fee for withdrawing so late. This fee will be paid directly to the association. Eligibility forms should be in by this time.
6. The draw should be written up on a couple of large poster boards so that scores, placings and play-offs are all visible.
1. The previous winner needs to be contacted to be sure that the trophy will be at the tournament. The previous winner of the Sportsmanship trophy will also need to be contacted to make sure the trophy will be at the tournament.
2. Ribbons and/or medals (according to guidelines in our by-laws) need to be ordered at least one month before the tournament (see below).
References and Minor Officials
1. Referees should be finalized at least one week before the tournament.
2. COMPETENT minor officials should be finalized before the tournament.
3. A coaches/referees room should be arranged prior to the tournament. It is often helpful to have parents bring a little baking to cut costs.
Facilities and Equipment
1. Facilities and equipment should be checked and prepared for the tournament.
2. Hang up the BCCSSAA tournament banner, in a visible spot, on the day of the tournament.
3. Ensure that the Associations Code of Ethics are displayed.
Tournament Report Form
1. Fill in the form with all pertinent information and send a copy to the president AND the Sec/Tres. A copy of this form is in the BCCSSAA binder that all athletic directors have and there is a form online. A school that hosts a fall tournament, will have until Dec. 15th of the current year to complete their tournament report and send it in. If it is not received by Dec. 15th, the host school will receive 75% reimbursement for that tournament. This will be followed by 50% after January 15, 25% after February 15th, and 0% after March 15th. A school that hosts a winter or spring tournament, will have until May 30th of the current year to complete their tournament report and send it in. If it is not received by May 30th, the host school will receive 75% reimbursement for that tournament. This will be followed by 0% after June 15th.
2. For track, YOU THE HOST SCHOOL COLLECT THE FEES OVER AND ABOVE THE DEPOSIT. All expenses will be paid for by the fees collected. If there is a surplus, this money is then forwarded to the Sec/Tres. If there is a minimal deficit, this should be noted on the form and then the association will reimburse you for the cost overrun.
3. For volleyball, basketball, soccer, fees are collected by the association. When the report form is received by the Sec/Tres, the host school will be reimbursed by the association.
4. For Cross Country, Track and Ball Hockey, non-refundable deposits are collected by the association and then sent to the host school. If there is a surplus, the host school will submit that back to the association.