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BCCSSAA Constitution & By-Laws

The name of this organization shall be “British Columbia Christian School Sports

Athletic Association”, abbreviated as B.C.C.S.S.A.A., herinafter called the “Association”.


2. The objectives of the society are:

(a) To encourage and emphasize athletics as an integral part of the total education process.

(b) To formulate and maintain policies which will cultivate a sense of Christian participation.  That is: to structure opportunities for people to involve themselves in a type of play which will:

(i) encourage the development of athletic skills

(ii) encourage individuals to see themselves, their teammates, and members of the other teams as image bearers of God.

(iii) facilitate mutual development of all participants

(iv) stimulate the enjoyment of the good gifts that God gives

(v) strengthen Christian commitment

(vi) invite the unbeliever to walk with Christ and his people

(vii) provide opportunity for expression and encourage active commitment and personal responsibility to the Biblical principle of loving justice, being merciful, and walking humbly with our God. (Micah 6:8)

(viii) rest in the liberating work of Christ.  As athletes, coaches, officials, and spectators leave the field satisfied and in the spirit of joy and shalom.


3. The Association shall operate without purpose of gain or profit to its members and any other accretions to the Association shall be used in promoting its objectives and this provision shall be unalterable.






In these by-laws unless the context otherwise requires:

(a) “Member School” shall mean any Christian secondary or middle school for and to which membership in the Association has been granted and which has complied with the terms of membership;

(b) “Executive Committee” means the Directors of the society for the time being as so defined.

(c) The fiscal year shall be from August 2 – August 1.



Words importing the singular include the plural and vice versa; and words importing the neuter include the masculine and feminine gender and vice versa.



(a) By-laws may be altered or amended by a two thirds (67%) majority vote of the membership of the Association that are attending the general meeting.

(b) Notice of motion to alter or amend these by-laws shall be given in writing to an Executive Committee member 10 days prior to the general meeting to vote.  These by-laws shall not be altered or added to except by special resolution.






(a) All member schools will be required to meet the requirements for eligibility according to the policies of British Columbia School Sports.

(b) All member schools should be prepared to host or co-host at least 1 championship each year.

(c) All member schools will be required to pay tournament and registration fees by Oct. 1 of the current year.



Based on a member school’s population in grades 8 – 12, each member school will be classified as either a  “A”  or a  “AA”  school for purposes of Championships and registration fees.  This classification must be determined at the Annual General Meeting and be stated on the member school’s registration form.  A small school (“A”) shall have less than 200 students in grades 8 – 12.  A large school (“AA”) shall have 200 or more students in grades 8 – 12.



(a) Any other Christian Junior/Senior Secondary School can apply for admission and will be accepted when it receives the support of two thirds (67%) of the member schools, that are attending the general meeting.

(b) An application form for admittance into the Association must be received by the Association President within three weeks of a General Meeting whereupon the Membership will vote on the application.



(a) There shall be an annual fee for member schools which shall be a sum fixed from time to time by resolution of the membership in a general meeting and which shall be payable on or before the 1st of October of each year.

(b) If a member school wants to be a part of the association but will not be able to participate in any tournaments, they will be designated as an affiliate member. The annual fee for this membership is $50.00.

(c) Failure by a member school to pay the annual fee as a full member or as an affiliate member, as prescribed by the said date or thereafter upon request, shall render the school’s membership lapsed until there is a payment of a penalty fee twice the original registration administration fee.

(d) If a member school fails to register for 2 consecutive years, their membership will be revoked and they will have to reapply if they wish to join again. All schools will be encouraged to register at least as associate members to maintain their membership.  If a school wishes to reapply after letting their membership lapse, they will be charged $100 to reapply.



(a) The Governing Committee shall have the power to suspend any member school of the Association where there is deemed to have been behavior conducted by, or on behalf of that school, or by any school representative or participant from that school, and which is considered improper, unbecoming or likely to endanger the interest of the reputation of the Association, or where there has been willful breach of the Constitution, By-laws or Rules and Regulations of the Association, and such suspension may be on such terms and upon such conditions as the Governing Committee shall deem fit and shall remain in force until discontinued by the majority resolution at a General Meeting of the Association.






General Meetings of the Association shall be held at such time and place in accordance with the by-laws, as the executive committee decide.



The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held during the month of May or June.



The Semi-Annual Meeting of the Association shall be held during the month of September or October.



(a) Notice of a General Meeting shall be given at least fourteen days in advance of that meeting and shall specify the place, the day, and the hour of the meeting, and in the case of special business, the general nature of that business.

(b) The accidental omission to give notice of a meeting to, or the non-receipt of a notice by any of the members entitled to receive notice does not invalidate the proceedings at that meeting.






(a) No business, other than the election of a Chairman and the adjournment of the meeting shall be conducted at a General Meeting at a time when a quorum is not present.

(b) A quorum is 30% of those entitled to vote on behalf of member schools.



(a) Each school shall be granted one vote.  Voting privileges shall be restricted to those members referred to herein as school representatives.

(b) Voting is by show of hands

(c) Proxy votes will be considered when they are written and signed at the time of the General Meeting.



Any teacher or coach in a member school shall have the right to attend and speak at meetings of the Association, but such persons shall not be entitled to vote at any meetings of the Association unless he is an authorized school representative member.



Resolutions proposed at a meeting need be seconded and the Chairperson of a meeting may move or propose a resolution.






(a) There shall be a Board of Directors, otherwise known herein as the Executive Committee, all of whose members shall be appointed school representatives of member schools and who shall be elected for a term of two (2) years at an Annual General Meeting except for the Sectretary/Treasurer.

(b) The Executive Committee shall consist of:

(i) the President

(ii) the Vice-President

(iii) the Past President

(iv) the Administrative Representative

(v) Secretary/Treasurer



The Executive Committee of the Association shall interpret the Constitution and the By-laws and may, from time to time, make any provisional rules or regulations governing specific cases for rare occasions not provided for in these by-laws but which may be necessary for carrying out the objectives of the Association.  Such interpretations, rules or regulations shall be effective as if part of these by-laws, subject only to confirm of approval by a majority of the voting membership present at the subsequent General Meeting of the Association.



No Executive Committee member shall be entitled to vote at at General Meeting of the Association except in his capacity as an appointed school representative as specified herein for the purposes of that meeting.



(a) The members of the Executive Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Association and shall hold office from July 1st of the year of election to June 30th of the second year.

(b) Separate elections for positions on the Executive Committee shall be held for each office to be filled.

(c) An election may be by acclamation, otherwise it shall be by ballot.

(d) The member schools, through their authorized voting representatives may by special resolution remove a director before the expiration of his term of office and may elect a successor to complete the term of office.

(e) In case of a resignation during the year, an interim executive member will be appointed by the President at a General Meeting of the Association.



(a) The Executive Committee may meet together at such places as they think fit for the dispatch of business, adjourn and otherwise regulate their meetings and proceedings as they see fit.

(b) The Executive Committee may delegate any, but not all, of its powers to committees consisting of such as the Directors see fit; these committees can then select their own Chairperson and then meet and adjourn as they think proper.  Decisions shall be decided by a majority of votes.

(c) The Governing Committee shall be appointed by the membership at the Annual General Meeting and shall include the President, Vice President, Past President, one administrative person who shall be from a member school, and a member at large. The Governing Committee shall perform the following tasks when necessary:

(i) Grievances – listen and interpret any grievance submitted from the membership via the Executive Committee.  This could be in the form of an appeal, protest, disciplinary action or otherwise.

–   apply the constitution to matters brought before it and protect the integrity of the Association and its objectives in its decisions which shall be binding.

ii) Scholarship and Award Selection – read and review all scholarship and award applications.

–  select recipients based on which students best fit the qualifications.






The President shall:

(a) be the presiding Officer of the Association, be the Chair person of the Executive Committee, and shall preside at all the Executive and extraordinary meetings of the Association;

(b) look after the general business of the Association and the supervision of all committees.  The president shall also be a member, ex officio, of all committees appointed by the Executive Committee or by the Association;

(c) ensure the adherence of the Association Constitution by him/herself and the membership.

(d) receive an annual stipend of $500 to be paid out in June.



The Vice President shall assist the President and Secretary-Treasurer in their duties, shall provide advice and counsel to the Executive Committee, and shall perform the function of the President when he/she cannot be in attendance or can no longer continue until an interim executive member can be elected by the association members.



The Past President shall assist the President in their duties and shall provide advice and counsel to the Executive Committee.



The Secretary – Treasurer shall:

(a) Keep the records of all the activities of the Association;

(b) Keep the minutes of all the meetings of the Executive Committee and of the Association;

(c) Conduct the correspondence of the Association;

(d) Have the custody of all monies of the Association and deposit the same to the account of the Association at a charted bank;

(e) Record all receipts and disbursements of the Association during the fiscal year August 2 – Aug 1;

(f) Disburse monies only in accordance with the President of the Association;

(g) Prepare and present at the Annual General Meeting a summary of the Budget income and expenditures for the past year and a proposed budget for the ensuing year;

(h) Perform such other duties as may be necessary for the purpose of complying with the Constitution and By-laws.

(i) Receive a monthly stipend of $350.00 plus $25 towards the personal expense of any home internet or cell phone fees.



The Administrative representative shall:

(a) represent the point of view of the Administrator’s Association at the Annual General Meeting;

(b) be a member of the Grievance committee and the Governing Committee;

(c) have one vote.





Organized sport carried out under the auspices of the Association shall be organized by Championship Tournaments.  A member school or team thereof shall only be entitled to participate in the Association Championships upon the adoption of the rules of Competition practice herein after set out.



(a) A Championship Tournament Coordinator shall be appointed by the voting members at the Annual General Meeting or at such other meeting that the Executive shall determine.  In case no coordinator volunteers, the Executive will attempt to appoint another coordinator.  If no coordinator is found, the tournament will be cancelled.  In such a case, those fees will be reimbursed to the registered schools.

(b) In case of a forced cancellation resulting in no tournament coordinator, the executive shall meet and will attempt to appoint another coordinator.



A Championship Coordinator’s responsibilities shall be:

(a) Determine the schools competing and devise a schedule which allows each school maximum participation time possible.  Each Volleyball Championship must guarantee each team 4 matches.  Each Basketball and Soccer Championship must guarantee each team 3 games.  The coordinator for the Badminton tournaments must endeavor to provide each competitor 3 matches.

(b) Participating teams must receive the Championship information and schedule 14 days prior to the event starting.

(c) Secure suitable facilities, referees, minor officials, and awards.

(d) Ensure a safe environment and that suitable first-aid procedures are present.

(e) Be familiar with and enforce the Association standards for hosting that particular Championship in the areas of format, organization, conduct, code of ethics, eligibility, and applicable by-laws.

(f) The Association Code of Ethics statements should be mentioned during the opening devotional or prayer time during each Championship.  Host schools will attempt to encourage all participants and spectators in upholding these standards.

(g) Begin and end each Championship with a short prayer or devotional.

(h) Complete a summary of the Championship and send it to all participating schools. Complete the Association Tournament Report Form and send copies to the President and Secretary/Treasurer.  Upon receipt of this document, for the sports of volleyball, basketball, and soccer, the Secretary/Treasurer will send financial reimbursement for the Championship expenses which must be at or below the budgeted amount.

(i) A school that hosts a fall tournament, will have until Dec. 15th of the current year to complete their tournament report and send it in.  If it is not received by Dec. 15th, the host school will receive only 75% reimbursement for that tournament.  This will be followed by 50% after January 15, 25% after February 15th, and 0% after March 15th.  A school that hosts a winter or spring tournament, will have until May 30th of the current year to complete their tournament report and send it in.  If it is not received by May 30th, the host school will receive only 75%  reimbursement for that tournament.  This will be followed by 0% after June 15th.



(a) Championships will be offered in the sports of cross-country running, volleyball, basketball, badminton, and track and field for both boys and girls in the following age classifications: Grade 8, Junior, and Senior.

(b)  Championships will be offered in the sport of soccer for boys and girls in the following age classifications: Senior.

(c) Championships may be organized in sports recommended and decided on by voting members at the Annual General Meeting.

(d) All Championship games must be played under the rules of the recognized authority for that sport, unless exceptions have been incorporated into the BCCSSAA Championship Guidelines.

(e) There shall be no Association Championships hosted between June 1 and September 14.



Championship Standards include:

A. Format Guidelines

(i) To qualify as a sanctioned Association Championship, there must be at least four (4) teams planning to participate.

(ii) Each team and player may only participate in one Association Championship Tournament per sport.  Written application can be made to the Executive for extenuating circumstances for players.

(iii) Teams in “A” Championship Tournaments must be designated “A” member schools or “B” teams from a “AA” school if pre-approval has been given by the coordinator and by a majority of the “A” member schools participating.

(iv) “A” teams may participate in “AA” Championships only if pre-approved by the Championship coordinator and by a majority of the “AA” member schools participating in that Championship.

(v) A second team from a school may compete in the same Championship Tournament if agreed upon by the coordinator of that Championship.  No third teams from schools will be allowed to compete in the same tournament.

B. Supervision

(i) Coaches must attend all games.  No game can be started unless a teacher-coach or teacher-sponsor is in attendance.

(ii) Teacher- coaches or teacher-sponsors are responsible for the behavior of their players prior to and after contests and for the entire duration of team trips.

(iii) Teacher-coaches or teacher-sponsors are responsible for the conduct of those spectators enrolled at their school but attending a contest at another facility. These spectators must adhere to expectations as if they were at their own school function.

C. Conduct

(i) The Championship Coordinator has the authority to suspend a player, coach, spectator, or a team from the Championship tournament based of the Code of Ethics or By-law infractions which he/she deems worthy of such a response.

(ii) Unsportsmanlike conduct, alcohol or drug use, vandalism or theft, flagrant disrespect, or any other conduct which is seriously unbecoming of a responsible Christian shall be reported verbally and in writing within two weeks of the occurrence to the Association Executive, the school’s Principal, Athletic Director, and the player’s coach.  The governing committee will decide disciplinary action in cases warranting it.  (For more conduct guidelines see the Association Code of Ethics).

(iii) In cases of inappropriate coaching conduct, the non-offending person should approach the offending coach to resolve the issue.  If satisfaction is not realized, the offending coach should be informed that his/her principal will be notified.  The non-offending person should approach his/her principal with a description of the incidence in writing, requesting that he/she contact the offending coach’s principal.  Both principals should be in contact with their respective athletic directors and the Association President.

(iv) If a coach is ejected from a game by an official, the game must be discontinued unless a different teacher from the same school takes over the responsibilities of the ejected coach.  Discontinued games shall be awarded to the team of the non-offending coach.

D. Withdrawal/Postponements/Protests

(i) A school team withdrawing from an Association Championship, without due process and or repeatedly, may be placed on probation or may face possible suspension from further competition in that sport or any sport that year and in the following year.  The decision shall be made by the executive with consultation from the coordinator and other member schools.

(ii) Due process for a withdrawal from an Association Championship is written or direct verbal communication with the coordinator 20 school days prior to the event. Failure to follow this due process will result in the withdrawing school forfeiting their fee and paying a fine of $250.00 for each withdrawal.  A letter from the president will then be sent to the administration of the offending school, explaining the violation and the penalty.  The fine is payable immediately. If it is not paid immediately, the fine will be added to the school’s registration the following year.

(iii) Postponement of Association Championships by the coordinator should only occur due to unsuitable weather conditions or in other extreme cases.  If a postponement is necessary for any other reason, the alternate date for the Championship should be communicated to the schools involved no less than 6 weeks prior to the original Championship date.

(iv) In cases involving a protest:

(a) a verbal protest must be made to the Championship coordinator immediately following the competition and away from the spectators or players but in the company of a third party.

(b) the protest will be heard by the Tournament Appeals Committee made up of the Tournament Director, one official, one parent/spectator, and one coach all of which must be unrelated to the incident(s) warranting the appeal.  The appeals committee’s decision shall stand for the remaining championship play.

(c) If unsatisfied with the protest result by the Championships appeals committee, the action can be carried further to the executive of the Association, with a written protest.

(d) The following people shall receive a copy:

– principal and coach of both schools involved

– the coordinator

– members of the Governing Committee

(e) The Governing Committee’s decision shall be binding.

E. Miscellaneous

(i) Awards  MINIMALLY required in an Association Championship shall be:

a) Cross-Country

– an Association trophy for the winning school – 1 year perpetual

– an Association Championship banner for the winning Senior team

– 6 medallions, one for each division winner

– ribbons for 2nd to 6th place individuals in each division

b) Senior Volleyball, Basketball, and Soccer

– an Association trophy for the Championship team – 1 year perpetual

– an Association Championship banner

– gold and silver medals for the top 2 teams

– bronze medals for the 3rd place team

– plaques/trophies for 5 all-stars (basketball) or 6 all-stars (volleyball)

– a second all-star team will be added to basketball and volleyball tournaments when there are 12 or more teams participating in the tournament

– a plaque/trophy for the tournament MVP/Golden Boot Award

– an Association trophy for Sportsmanship

c) Junior Volleyball and Basketball

– an Association trophy for the Championship team – 1 year perpetual

– gold, silver and bronze medals for the top 3 teams

– all stars if there is money in the budget

– a plaque for the tournament MVP

– an Association trophy for Sportsmanship

d) Grade 8 Volleyball and Basketball

– an Association trophy for the Championship team – 1 year perpetual

– gold, silver, and bronze medals for the top 3 teams

– an Association trophy for Sportsmanship

e) Badminton

– an Association trophy for the overall Champion school in each age division: (gr. 8, Junior, Senior)

– an Association Championship banner for the winning Senior team

– medallions for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishers in each category (i.e. girls singles, boys singles, girls doubles, boys doubles, mixed doubles)

– ribbons for the 4th place finishers in each category

f) Track & Field

– an Association trophy for each age and gender division

– an Association trophy to the overall “A” Champion school

– an Association trophy to the overall “AA” Champion school

– an Association Championship banner for Senior Girls and Senior Boys

– a medallion to each of the aggregate winners in each of the age and gender divisions (6 in total)

– ribbons for the first 6 finishers in each event

(ii) The requirements listed above reflect the MINIMUM.  Tournament directors are encouraged to increase the quantity and /or quality of the awards provided that the budgeted amount for the tournament will cover the costs of the increase. Money spent on increased awards over the budgeted amount will be paid by the host school or by the Association upon the discretion of the executive.

(iii) Association trophies are on loan to the Champion school for one year and must be returned to the host school at the start of the following year’s tournament. Any team not bringing the championship trophy, given to them the previous year, to the site of the tournament, will pay a penalty of $50.00.  Updating the trophy must be done by the new Champion school and if the trophy is damaged or lost, the school which last had possession shall pay for its repair or replacement.

(iv) An Association Banner should be displayed at all Association Championships. Each member school with a facility capable of hosting an Association Championship shall hold one on loan from the Association at their school for this purpose.

(v) Teams participating in an Association Championship must have their player eligibility form available for the tournament director.

(vi) Competent Referees are to be provided for all games.  Carded referees should be used at all Senior level Championships and whenever else it is financially or otherwise possible.  Coaches or sponsors are expected to maintain control of games officiated by competent senior students (who should be used for Grade 8 games only and if necessary).

(vii) Any member school participating in an Association sanctioned event must have proper uniform dress which shall include:

– school identifiable top (white for all home basketball teams and with suitable numbering)

– uniformed shorts (matching for the whole team)

– appropriate footwear

(viii) Scorekeeping at all Association Championships must be competent.  It is the responsibility of the Tournament Coordinator to assure that scorekeepers are performing suitably.





8.1    To be eligible, a student must live up to an accepted standard of the school in which he/she is enrolled, as judged by the school principal.

8.2  The Association complies with all BCSS eligibility rules.

8.3 Player Eligibility for Non-BCSS Schools

(i) These schools must do their best to comply with BCSS rules.  Any contradictions to BCSS rules will be handled on a case by case basis by the current executive.

(ii) Any appeals should be submitted to the Executive 2 weeks prior to the tournament.








– a non-refundable deposit of $25.00 will be expected at registration time.







Grade 8 Girls

– minimum of 4 matches (8 games) per team

-Competent Adult or carded up official for gold and bronze medal games


Grade 8 Boys

– minimum of 4 matches (8 games) per team

-Competent Adult or carded up official for gold and bronze medal games


Junior Girls

– Minimum of 4 matches (8 games) per team

– Competent Adult or carded up official for semi-final and final rounds of the tournament


Junior Boys

– minimum of 4 matches (8 games) per team

– Competent Adult or carded up official for semi-final and final rounds of the tournament


Senior Girls

– minimal gate charge allowed

– minimum of 4 matches (8 games) per team

– A carded up official for the entire tournament as available.  When carded officials are unavailable, a competent adult will officiate


Senior Boys

– minimal gate charge allowed

– minimum of 4 matches (8 games) per team

–  A carded up official for the entire tournament as available.  When carded officials are unavailable, a competent adult will officiate




Grade 8 Girls

– no gate charge

– three games minimum with 8 minute quarters

– courtesy rule of no pressing when there is a 20-point difference in score


Grade 8 Boys

– no gate charge

– three games minimum with 8 minute quarters

– courtesy rule of no pressing when there is a 20-point difference in score


Junior Girls

– no gate charge

– three games minimum with 8 minute quarters

– courtesy rule of no pressing when there is a 20-point difference in score


Junior Boys

– no gate charge

– three games minimum with 8 minute quarters

– courtesy rule of no pressing when there is a 20-point difference in score


Senior Girls

– minimum of 3 games per team

– nominal gate charge acceptable


Senior Boys

– minimum of 3 games per team

– nominal gate charge acceptable




Sr. Girls

– minimum 3 games

– Competent carded referees


Sr. Boys

– minimum 3 games

– competent carded referees






– at the minimum, endeavor to have 3 matches per competitor

– an adult school representative (eg. teacher, employee, or board member) must accompany any participating players

– a non-refundable deposit of $25.00 will be required at registration time

– players may enter 2 categories.

– school shirts should be worn






– ten consecutive school days prior to the meet, schools must have eligibility forms in to the coordinator

– a non-refundable deposit of $75.00 will be required at registration time.

– cost is $4.00 per competitor.  Any fees owing over and above the deposit must accompany the registration when they are required by the host school.

– events will be 100, 200, 400, 800, 1500, 4X100, 4X400, Long Jump, Triple Jump,

High Jump, Shot Put, Discus, Javelin, and the Sprint Hurdles.

– annual trophies will be awarded to each divisional champion school, the overall “AA” champion school, the overall “A” champion school, and an aggregate (individual) winner in each division

– each school is allowed 4 entries in each event in Grade 8, 5 entries in each event in the Junior division, and 4 entries in each event in the Senior division.

– a “show and go” method is recommended

– each attending school must fulfill an officiating obligation to meet standards





Tournaments will be set on the following dates:

  • Cross-Country – the 2nd Tuesday in October

  • Sr. Boys Soccer – attempt should be made for the last weekend in September/1st weekend in October

  • Gr. 8 Girls and Boys Volleyball – the 4th weekend in October

  • Jr. Girls Volleyball – the 1st weekend in November

  • Jr. Boys Volleyball – the 3rd weekend in October

  • Sr. Girls Volleyball – the 4th weekend in October

  • Sr. Boys Volleyball – the 4th weekend in October

  • Gr. 8 Girls and Boys Basketball – the 3rd weekend in January

  • Jr. Girls and Boys Basketball – the 1st full weekend in January after the break

  • Sr. Girls Basketball – the 1st weekend in February

  • Sr. Boys Basketball – the 1st full weekend in January after the break

  • Gr. 8 and Junior Badminton – the 3rd or 4th weekend in April

  • Senior Badminton – the 4th weekend in April

  • Sr. Girls Soccer – attempt should be made for the last weekend in April

  • Track & Field – attempt should be made for the 3rd Friday in April





There are a number of schools in our association that do not offer high school programs. This means that there are students who will never be eligible for the Luke Van Harmelen scholarship because they will be finishing their schooling in a public school. For this reason we would like to recognize the achievements of Junior athletes.  Two or three BCCSSAA Junior Athlete Awards will be given to students who best combine the qualifications set out in our guidelines. The winners of this award will be eligible to receive up to $250.00 toward a sports camp of their choice.

To be eligible for this award, a student must be a registered grade ten student at a Christian Senior Secondary School and show evidence of:

(1) athletic ability and performance

(2) scholastic achievement and goals (a minimum average of C+ is mandatory in order for application to be considered)

(3) leadership and character

(4) school, community, and church participation

(5) participation on school sports teams and attendance in BCCSSAA tournaments

Applicants must complete a detailed online application form which must be RECEIVED by June 1 of the current year.  Applications are reviewed and recipients selected by the Governing Committee by June 14.





The Association offers the annual Luke Van Harmelem Memorial Scholarship in memory of its first President who was taken to the Lord after struggling with cancer.  Two or three Scholarships, in his name, valued at $1000.00 each will be offered annually to the students who best combine the qualifications of:

a. athletic ability

b. leadership and character

c. scholastic achievement (minimum C+ average is mandatory)

d. school, community, and church participation

e. participation on school sports teams and attendance in BCCSSAA tournaments

f. completeness and quality of application

Applicants must complete a detailed online application form which must be RECEIVED by June 1 of the current year.  Applications are reviewed and recipients selected by the Governing Committee by June 14.



  • By June 7th – Copies of application sent to the Governing Committee members.  They will read and evaluate applicants using current rubrics.

  • By June 14th – The Governing Committee will meet to establish winners.  Note that no discussion of an applicant can be done by a committee member that is from the same school as one of the applicants.  The purpose of the scholarship meeting is to discuss scoring discrepancies from the rubric results.

  • By June 21st – The winners will be announced at the AGM with all AD’s.

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